Neck Saviour Australia

necksaviour Mini 4-pack

Sale price Price $240.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

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Buy a four pack and save $39.80

How does it work?

The necksaviour Mini works by folding to sit between your head and shoulders along the neck. This allows the neck to stretch and improve your alignment.

The head is therapeutically being lifted from the neck and it feels great. When you sit up you will feel taller, more comfortable and have improved posture. With two different settings you can customise the stretch to fit your needs. Relieving tension in the neck is a proven way to reduce headaches and their severity. 

necksaviour Mini can help with:

- Neck pain
- Headaches
- Muscle tension
- Neck alignment and posture

necksaviour Mini key features:

- Easy to use
- Comfortable
- Light or strong stretch
- Weighs just 58gs
- Perfect for travel